Sunday, August 10, 2014

Luxor Excursions

Luxor is one of the most important cities in Upper Egypt as it is very well known with its great massive temples. Luxor Tours via Shaspo is giving the chance to explore this beautiful city. You will also get the chance to try different kinds of excursions offered only to you by Shaspo.

Your visit to Luxor cannot miss visiting Karnak and Luxor Temples in the eastern bank that is why Luxor Tours offers you a day excursion only to visit the east bank with a very competitive reasonable price of $ 45. If you are looking to add visits to the western bank as well, definitely it is available and in the western bank you will be able to visit Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, Hatshepsut Temple and Colossi of Memnon. Our Tour to the eastern and western banks is for $ 69. 

With Luxor Tours also you will get the chance to visit Abu Simbel Temples by vehicle, those two temples have a unique phenomena as the sun used to shine twice per year on the face of the statue of King Ramasses II inside the sanctuary. There are two temples in Abu Simbel which are Ramasses II Temple or the Northern Temple and his wife’s Temple or the southern Temple. Our price starts from $ 219. 

Another different excursion that you can book via Luxor Tours which is visiting Dendera and Abydos Temples by Vehicle from Luxor, Abydos Temple was started by King Seti I but it was completed by his son Ramasses II. Dendedera Temple is the Temple which was dedicated to goddess Hathor built by the Romans and it is unique because it is considered one of the latest built temples in Egypt. The Price starts from $ 77. 

For more: Luxor Tours

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